Maria BellisCounselling and Psychotherapy

Finding a Way . Orange flowers

Finding a Way Blog

Here are links to some blogs I have written that may help you get a feel for how I work.

My blogs can be found on another site (Blogger) to which you can link : Finding A Way blog
I call my blog 'Finding a Way' because often this is the basis of therapy and counselling.
I want to give a sense of how I think about and work with issues.
My list of titles to date are:
27/2/2020 Feeling Overwhelmed.
22/8/2019 Tell Me What To Do Please?
28/3/2019 Assertiveness- Speaking up for ourselves.
20/12/2018 Support- Developing a personal Toolkit.
20/11/2018 Making Mistakes- Is it so terrible?
27/8/2018 Transformation and Wanting Change
2/8/2018 Resilience and How do we Build it?
21/6/2018 Being Yourself- Can we find a way?
7/6/2018 Living with Uncertainty.
17/5/2018 "I don't want to be a burden"- not wanting to bother others.
3/5/2018 When is it OK to worry?
14/4/2018 Being 'Good Enough' or the problem with perfectionism.
30/3/2018 Developing Circles of Support.
17/3/2018 We have different relationship styles.
12/3/2018 Learning from Wildlife.
9/3/2018 Deep Relaxation.


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